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Mercedes Heated Seat Fault

Mercedes Heated Seat Fault

Owning a luxury vehicle like a Mercedes is always a nice feeling. You get excellent performance, comfort, and safety. 

But, like all vehicles, they’re not immune from the occasional fault.

Faults, whether they’re large or small, will make your vehicle lose its “luxurious” feel. So it’s important not to ignore them, hoping they’ll go away… Because they won’t. 

Recently, our client brought their Mercedes A35 to our specialists at Fitch Autos. Their car had a fault with the driver-side heated seat and with winter just around the corner, they wanted to solve the problem quickly. 

Who can blame them? Heated seats are a godsend, especially when the colder early mornings set in.

Thankfully, our Mercedes experts have worked on all Mercedes models and have encountered this issue before.

Need your Mercedes heated seats fixed? Call Fitch Autos today and let our Mercedes specialists take a look. 

What we found

During the initial inspection of our client’s Mercedes A35, it was clear that the driver’s side heated seat wasn’t working as it should. And from a brief visual inspection, there weren’t any clear signs of why the fault was present. 

Issues with Mercedes heated seats can be down to several factors. Some of the most common are:

  • Wiring issues
  • Faulty heating element
  • Electrical problem
  • Button faults
  • And several more…

As many issues could be causing our client’s heated seat to be faulty, our experts knew a deeper inspection would be required. 

At Fitch Autos, we’re methodical with all inspections and use a 15-step diagnostic process to identify the root cause of any issue during the first fix. This saves you time, stress, and money on repairs that won’t fix your vehicle’s problems. 

Our experts used the Mercedes dealer wiring information to get a better understanding of what could be happening with our client’s vehicle.

As your local independent Mercedes specialists, we have access to the same level of information as the main Mercedes dealerships. You always get dealer-level care for better value with us. 

Once the wiring diagrams had been inspected, our Mercedes experts performed a fault code scan to hopefully point them in the right direction. Unfortunately, there weren’t any fault codes present. 

Our Mercedes technicians had experienced a similar issue before and wanted to perform a series of live data checks to provide a clearer picture of what was happening.

The Diagnosis

During the live data testing, the Mercedes A35 recognised the heated seat button being pressed, but there wasn’t a response from the heated seat itself. This was further confirmed with a thermal imaging camera, which provided a clear picture of what was happening. 

Using a thermal imaging camera is something most other garages wouldn’t do, but it allows us to provide you with an accurate assessment of your vehicle’s issues. 

The next stage was to test the wiring and related components. Some parts were working, while others weren’t, resulting in the entire system not functioning as it should. It’s no wonder our client’s A35 had heated seat issues. 

After multiple tests, our experts found a problem with the bottom heated seat circuit, and it would need to be replaced. 

Fixing the Mercedes A35 Heated Seat Problem

Now that our Mercedes experts knew the problem, they rang our client to discuss what had been found and our recommendations. 

At Fitch Autos, you’re always kept in the know. We always contact you before any fixes take place and only begin work once we’ve got your approval. You’re in complete control from start to finish. 

The client was pleased to see we’d found the cause of the issue so quickly and provided the go-ahead to fix their vehicle. 

With the approval, our Mercedes technicians sourced a genuine Mercedes replacement part and installed it. 

As a Mercedes specialist, we only use genuine or high-quality alternative Mercedes parts on your vehicle. You always get the quality needed to keep it running optimally. 

Once the replacement part had been installed, it was thoroughly tested before being handed back to our client. 

They were over the moon to have their Mercedes heated seats back in complete working condition and in such a short amount of time. They left the garage smiling and could now enjoy a warmer and more comfortable drive. 

If your Mercedes has a heated seat issue that needs to be solved, our Mercedes specialists are here to help. 

Call Fitch Autos today for a quality, first-time fix. 


A recent client brought their Mercedes A35 to our Mercedes experts at Fitch Autos with a faulty driver-side heated seat. 

Luckily, our experts had experienced this issue before and had the knowledge needed to solve it. 

Using our decades of knowledge and experience, and our trusty 15-step diagnostic process, our Mercedes specialists identified the issue with our client’s heated seats. It was a problem with the bottom heated seat circuit. 

We sourced a genuine Mercedes part to ensure optimal performance and installed it immediately. 

The client was pleased to have their vehicle back in complete working condition and left our garage with a smile. 

Got a Mercedes heated seat fault? Call Fitch Autos today for a quality fix at better than dealership value.

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